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Denver Real Estate Market Report for June 2018

Denver Real Estate Market Report for June 2018

The average sales price of a single-family home in Denver and its 10 surrounding counties sold for $496,508 just a year ago, and that number has jumped to $539,934 in June 2018. Inventory is also up this month, hopefully offering some much needed reprieve for homebuyers.

See below for our full report for June 2018 and please let us know if you have any questions. We email this market infographic report on the Denver Real Estate Market each month. To get on the email list, please reach out to and request to be added!

Key Takeaways for June 2018 via DMAR for Metro Denver:

  • Active Inventory in June 2018: 7,436
    • May 2018 Active Listings: 6,437
    • April 2018 Active Listings: 5,160
    • March 2018 Active Listings: 4,619
    • February 2018 Active Listings: 4,084
    • January 2018 Active Listings: 3,869
    • December 2017 Active Listings: 3,854
    • November 2017 Active Listing: 5,131
    • October 2017 Active Listing: 6,312
    • September 2017 Active Listings: 7,586
    • August 2017 Active Listings: 7,360
  • Median Sales Price for a condo in Metro Denver in June 2018 was: $305,000
    • May 2018: $306,331
    • April 2018: $297,000
    • March 2018: $295,000
    • February 2018: $296,000
    • January 2018: $285,000
    • December 2017: $285,000
    • November 2017: $272,000
    • October 2017: $275,000
    • September 2017: $268,000
    • August 2017 $275,000
    • July 2017: $270,100
  • Median Sales Price a single-family residence in Metro Denver in June 2018 was: $452,500
    • May 2018: $450,000
    • April 2018: $455,000
    • March 2018: $440,875
    • February 2018: $435,000
    • January 2018 was $416,000
    • December 2017: $415,000
    • November 2017: $405,000
    • October 2017: $415,000
    • September 2017: $409,000
    • August 2017: $410,000
    • July 2017: $420,000

An Overview of the National Market:

Case-Shiller: Home Prices Continue Upward Trend

“Average home prices for the top 10 metropolitan areas increased 6.2%, down from 6.4% from the previous month. The 20-city composite is a 6.6% year-over-year gain, down from 6.7% in March.” – HousingWire

Will Millennials Save Housing From a Downturn?

“A flattening bond yield curve and a very long-in-the-tooth, albeit anemic, broad economic winning streak have gotten housing experts’ and analysts’ tongues a’wagging.” – Builder

Western States Lead Single-family Residential Permits Growth

“Over the first four months of 2018, the total number of single-family permits issued nationwide reached 279,302. On a year-over-year basis, this is an 8.4% increase over the April 2017 level of 257,719. The results from the SOC are similar, single-family permits over the first four months of 2018 was, 278,500 which is 8.6% ahead of its level over the same period of 2017, 256,500*.” – National Association of Home Builders

What’s Happening in Denver:

denver real estate market



Read Denver Metro Association of Realtor’s full report on last month’s Real Estate trends and statistics in Denver here.


And as always, please let us know if you have any questions!

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